Subject: Participles, Conditional Sentences, and General Update to Site
Date: December 26, 2000

Greetings in Christ from!

This is the first email from the Website Email Update Service, which you signed up for within the last year. I just wanted to inform you that there have been some substantial updates made to the site in the past week that I thought you would want to know about.

I have made various corrections, additions, and updates to many pages especially to the information contained in the ‘Introduction’ and the ‘Recommended Books’ section. I have tried to better identify which books would be the most profitable in building a Greek grammar tool library and have added a section on Greek morphology. (Please do a site search on ‘morphology’ if you don’t know what that term means.) I have also added some more Terms to the site.

But the most exiting update is that I have added a section on Greek Participles and a section on Greek Conditional Sentences. Both of these areas include an Adobe Acrobat based PDF file that acts as a great summary and handy reference tool for Greek analysis in these areas. (Please go to the section on ‘Learning Greek’ to find these new topics.)

I hope to do some more additions within the next few weeks, such as adding a comprehensive list of terms so that they are easier to find. I also hope to post some information on the significance of Greek word order and the meaning it conveys. I will send out another email if/when I get this information posted.

Thank you for you interest in and in your desire to know God via His living and abiding Word. The Lord bless you as you pursue Him as the Truth.
            As I mention on the web site, I am often not able to answer emails as I would like, but please feel free to give me input and feedback on the information you find on the site and make other suggestions for improvements (and/or corrections). Thanks again. In Him,


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Created by Corey Keating at: